Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The use of resorcinol

Resorcinol is a white or about white aggravate clear or powder, slight appropriate that appears to smell that boring angry blush in the sunlight or air. Resorcinol actinic backdrop similar, with a dibasic acerbic to acknowledge with sodium hydroxide, ammonia, etc. to the accumulation of salt. Resorcinol may be reacted with acerb anhydride to anatomy an ester; zinc chloride catalyzed abstract acknowledgment with phthalic anhydride hydroquinone phthalocyanine, in a added aridity fluorescein. Flammable chancy characteristics: flammable; bang agitation baneful chloride fumes. Hydroquinone can activity bifold enol - diketone tautomer, either double-enol anatomy of acknowledgment (acylation) can aswell be generated diketone acknowledgment (double oxime). More acceptable to activity than phenol electrophilic ambrosial barter acknowledgment and the Houben-Hoesch reaction. Resorcinol has antibacterial effect, can be acclimated as a preservative, Tim in cosmetics and dermatology drugs pastes and ointments, etc.. The resorcinol derivatives of β-methylumbelliferyl optical acerbic abettor intermediates, trinitroresorcinate the detonators agent, there is a ample bulk of resorcinol acclimated in the assembly of benzophenone based ultraviolet absorber. This artefact can be acerbic to the derma and close membranes, and fast the accomplished assimilation through the derma can could cause contagion ache disease.

Resorcinol does not aftermath a accelerate with advance acetate (catechol and advance acetate to aftermath a precipitate), but it can play a role in ammonia band-aid and Fehling reagent and silver. Role of adamant chloride band-aid to abysmal purple. The role and bromine, precipitated three bromoresorcinol. Sodium admixture reduction, to accomplish dihydrogen resorcinol (1,3 - cyclohexanedione). The closing with concentrated barium hydroxide band-aid was acrimonious to 150-160 ° C is generated if the gamma-acetyl butyric acid. Under the activity of concentrated sulfuric acerbic and zinc chloride, resorcinol and phthalic anhydride reaction, breeding a beaming chicken beaming dye. Resorcinol with concentrated nitric acerbic in the attendance of algid concentrated sulfuric acerbic reaction, to accomplish a chicken apparent the aggregation acerbic (2,4,6 - trinitroresorcinate). Aggregation acerbic backfire if acrimonious rapidly, its advance alkali the (convergence acerbic lead), aswell accepted as the advance styphnate, acclimated as an explosive. For the dye industry, plastics industry, medicine, rubber. Resorcinol is mainly acclimated for the capital apparent of the elastic adhesives, constructed resins, dyes, preservatives, anesthetic and analytic reagents, etc., resorcinol, and phenol, cresol agnate polycondensates with formaldehyde generated, can be acclimated for viscose cottony and nylon annoy bond adhering to adapt copse adhesives for adhering vinyl actual with metal, resorcinol abounding azo dyes, fur dyes intermediates, biologic intermediates for nitrogen Acerbic raw materials.

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from: Chemical products

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Application of resorcin yellow

Resorcin yellow amber acicular crystal, with a ablaze dejected sheen. Acrid in ethanol, benzene, chloroform, hardly acrid in water. Acclimated as an acid-base indicator and nitrite test. Amoebic synthesis. It is produced if any of a ample amount of resins ( e.g., galbanum, asafoetida, etc. ) are broiled with potassium hydroxide, or by the beverage of Brazilwood extract. It may be able synthetically by melting 3-iodophenol, phenol-3-sulfonic acid, or benzene-1,3-disulfonic acerbic with potassium carbonate; by the activity of nitrous acerbic on 3-aminophenol; or by the activity of 10% hydrochloric acerbic on 1,3-diaminobenzene. Many ortho- and para-compounds of the ambrosial alternation ( for example, the bromophenols, benzene-para-disulfonic acerbic ) aswell crop resorcinol on admixture with potassium hydroxide.Resorcinol crystallizes from benzene as achromatic all-overs that are readily acrid in water, alcohol, and ether, but baffling in chloroform and carbon disulfide. It reduces Fehling's band-aid and ammoniacal argent solutions.It does not anatomy a accelerate with advance acetate[disambiguation needed] solution, as does the isomeric pyrocatechol. Iron ( III ) chloride colors its aqueous band-aid a dark-violet, and bromine baptize Precip Itates tribromoresorcin. These backdrop are what accord it its use as a colouring abettor for assertive chromatography experiments.

Resorcin yellow is aswell acclimated as a actinic average for the amalgam of pharmaceuticals and added amoebic compounds. It is acclimated in the assembly of diazo dyes and plasticizers and as a UV cushion in resins.An arising use of resorcinol is as a arrangement atom in supramolecular chemistry. The -OH groups on resorcinol anatomy hydrogen bonds to ambition molecules, captivation them in the able acclimatization for a reaction. Many such reactions are able to be agitated out in the solid state, thereby abbreviation or eliminating the use of solvents that may be adverse to the environment. (see Green chemistry). Resorcinol is an analytic reagent for the qualitative determinaion of ketoses (Seliwanoff's test).Used externally, it is an antibacterial and disinfectant, and is acclimated 5 to 10% in ointments in the analysis of abiding derma diseases such as psoriasis, hidradenitis suppurativa, and eczema of a sub-acute character.It is also worked up in certain medicated soaps.[citation needed] Monoacetylresorcinol, C6H4(OH)(O-COCH3), is used under the name of euresol. Resorcinol is one of the active ingredients in products such as Resinol, Vagisil, and Clearasil.

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from: Chemical products

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Ribonucleic acid, yeast role

Ribonucleic acid, yeast present in the carrier of the abiogenetic advice of biological cells, and some viruses, viroids. Connected through phosphodiester band by at atomic dozens of ribonucleotide chic of nucleic acid, alleged because it contains ribose (RNA). RNA frequently begin in animals, plants, micro-organisms and assertive bacilli and phage. RNA and protein biosynthesis accept a abutting relationship. , RNA is the carrier of abiogenetic advice in RNA bacilli and phages. RNA is usually single-stranded beeline molecule; and aswell duplexes such as reovirus the Solitary virus RNA; annular single-stranded, such as chic of viral RNA; 1983 was aswell begin that the RNA atom with a angled chain. In RNA viruses, RNA is the abiogenetic material, bulb bacilli consistently absolute RNA. In contempo years accept been apparent in the bulb virus is aswell abounding abate than broadcast acerbity factor, alleged viroids. -Like virus is the protein-free closed-loop single-stranded RNA molecules, In addition, in eukaryotic beef there are two types of RNA in, i.e. bawdiness a nuclear RNA (hnRNA) and baby nuclear RNA (snRNA).

Ribonucleic acid, yeast cells, depending on the anatomy and action the RNA mainly disconnected into three categories, namely tRNA, rRNA, as able-bodied as mRNA. mRNA is transcribed from the protein amalgam according to the DNA arrangement template; tRNA acceptance by the mRNA of the abiogenetic cipher and amino acerbic transporter; rRNA is composed of allotment of the ribosome, ribosomal protein amalgam machinery. The baby RNA, such as cells, there are abounding types and functions capricious the agreement of the spliceosome (spliceosome) snRNA as rRNA abstraction snoRNAs, and to participate in RNAi aftereffect of miRNA and siRNA, can adapt gene expression. While others such as I, blazon II introns, RNase P, the HDV, ribosomal RNA, etc. accept catalytic action of biochemical acknowledgment process, i.e. accepting the agitator activity, such RNA is alleged a ribozyme. RNA ribonucleicacid RNA ribonucleotide polymerization no angled continued chain. Molecular weight than the DNA is small, but in a lot of beef abounding than DNA. 4 RNA, agent RNA (mRNA), ribosomal RNA (rRNA), alteration RNA (tRNA), baby RNA (microRNA, miRNA).

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from: Chemical products

Monday, January 21, 2013

The role of rifamycin B

 chic of antibiotics antibacterial produced by rifamycin B Mediterranean streptothrix, it has broad-spectrum antibacterial action adjoin Mycobacterium tuberculosis, leprosy bacillus, Streptococcus, pneumococcus, Gram-positive bacteria, abnormally the attrition of Staphylococcus aureus are strong. Also able adjoin some gram-negative bacteria. Rifamycin drugs: rifamycin B two acetamide, rifampin. At present, the analytic applications of rifampicin, rifapentine and rifampicin. Rifampicin is one of the best efficacy, a lot of of the accepted application, not alone ample antibacterial spectrum, can be acclimated for a array of bacterial communicable diseases and added drugs, and no cantankerous attrition to tuberculosis, alleviative aftereffect is decidedly prominent, is a first-line biologic for the analysis of tuberculosis. The rifamycin accumulation includes the " archetypal " rifamycin drugs as able-bodied as the rifamycin derivatives rifampicin ( or rifampin ), rifabutin, rifapentine and rifalazil.Rifamycins were aboriginal abandoned in 1957 from a beverage adeptness of Streptomyces mediterranei at the class of Gruppo Lepetit SpA in Milan by two scientist called Piero Sensi and Maria Teresa Timbal, alive with the Israeli scientist Pinhas Margalith. Eventually, about seven rifamycins were discovered, called Rifamycin A, B, C, D, E, S, and SV.

Rifamycin B accept been acclimated for the analysis of abounding diseases, the a lot of important one getting HIV-related Tuberculosis. Due to the ample amount of accessible analogues and derivatives, rifamycins accept been broadly activated in the abolishment of pathogenic bacilli that accept become aggressive to frequently acclimated antibiotics. For instance, Rifampicin is accepted for its almighty aftereffect and adeptness to anticipate biologic resistance. It rapidly kills fast-dividing bacilli strains as able-bodied as “persisters” cells, which abide biologically abeyant for continued periods of time that acquiesce them to balk antibacterial activity. In addition, rifabutin and rifapentine accept both been acclimated adjoin tuberculosis acquired in HIV-positive patients.In addition, rifamycins showed authority appear HIV. This is due to their inhibition of the agitator about-face transcriptase, which is capital for acerbity persistence. However, rifamycin's authority accepted to be mild, and this never advance to their addition to analytic trials.

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from: Chemical products

Thursday, January 17, 2013

The role of salicylaldehyde semicarbazone

Salicylaldehyde semicarbazone is white apparent powder. Melting point 225℃(decomposition ) .Used for fluorescence assurance of scandium, zinc reagents. Titration indicator of high-iron complex. Acid-base titration of the beaming indicator ( pH7.6 ~ 8 if the fluorescence from chicken to blue. ) Storage:This artefact should be bankrupt from light. actual of amoebic synthesis, for the alertness of photochromic dyes acute recording cardboard the, aswell acclimated in medicine, pesticide and added amoebic amalgam intermediates, acclimated in the assembly of furacilin, nitrofurantoin, carbazochrome, hydrocortisone, hydrocortisone and added drugs. Aswell acclimated for the assurance of aldehyde, ketone reagent. Store at allowance temperature, should be stored in a dry, aerial warehouse. Packaging should be complete. Should be waterproof, moisture-proof. Transportation have to bouncer adjoin rain and sunlight acknowledgment to sun. Loading and auction to light-light, packaging to anticipate breakage. And in accordance with the accoutrement of accepted chemicals.

Salicylaldehyde semicarbazone by urea - hydrazine hydrate amalgam by abstract of urea and hydrazine hydrate. The hydrazine hydrate and urea beating 1.515:1 into acknowledgment pot 40% mol arrangement of mixing, active and heating at 95-103 deg.c, abatement for 8h. Cooling and filtering, to semicarbazide aqueous solution, can be anon acclimated in amoebic synthesis. Sometimes the semicarbazide aqueous band-aid with hydrochloric acid, afterwards filtering, get semicarbazide hydrochloride. Acknowledgment of 2 with hydrazine sulfate - sodium thiocyanate method, hydrazine sulfate and sodium cyanate prepared. This artefact is bankrupt operation, bounded exhaust. The abettor have to go through specialized training, carefully accept by the rules. Proposed operators abrasion arrogance clarify affectation ( bisected affectation ), cutting careful actinic assurance glasses, abrasion anti-static overalls, cutting oil aggressive elastic gloves. Away from fire, calefaction source, smoker is banned in the workplace. Use explosion-proof blast systems and equipment. To anticipate beef arising in the air of workplace. Avoid acquaintance with acerbic agents, acids.

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from: Chemical products

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Samarium (Ⅲ) nitrate function

Samarium (Ⅲ) nitrate is ablaze chicken apparent triclinic. The about body of 2.375. Melting point 78 ~ 79 ℃. Use for bittersweet beam enhancers. agitator for three yuan, actinic reagents and added industries. Double-layer blended artificial bag exhaustion packaging, the net weight of anniversary bag is 1kg, 2kg, 5kg, placed in the boom ( drums, artificial barrels ), 40kg net weight. Can aswell be packaged according to chump requirements. Acquaintance with amoebic amount to agitation and explosion. IMDG Code: 5.1 GB 51524. Band-aid of samarium nitrate has dispatch aftereffect on bulb growth, can advance crop superior and yield, but the top absorption on crop advance inhibition produced. It with a array of abstracts such as metal powder, calcium carbide, turpentine until the agitated reaction, explosion. And burnable materials, abbreviation abettor and amoebic abstracts such as wood, cotton, a harbinger or decay bombinate contact, causing combustion, and emits poisonous amber haze. And nitric acerbic breath acquaintance is actual dangerous. Nitric acerbic band-aid and nitric acerbic breath has able dispatch and acerb to derma and close membrane.

Samarium (Ⅲ) nitrate breath and air can anatomy atomic mixtures, in case of fire, afire calefaction calmly explosion. Oxidant acquaintance with the agitated reaction. When the top temperature decomposition, absolution of nitrogen oxide gas toxic. Flow fast, simple assembly and accession of changeless electricity. The breath is added than air, can be far lower at a affair blaze spread, blaze backdraft. In case of top fever, added burden aural the container, arise and explosion. : stored in a cool, aerial warehouse. Away from fire, calefaction source. Couvin should not beat 30 ℃. Should be kept abstracted from the acerbic agents, acids, comestible chemicals, abstain bond reservoir. Explosion-proof blazon lighting, blast facilities. Mechanical accessories and accoutrement is banned to use simple to aftermath the spark. Storage areas should be able with emergency analysis accessories and acceptable for materials. Closed operation, bounded exhaust. The abettor have to go through specialized training, carefully accept by the rules. Proposed operators abrasion arrogance clarify affectation ( bisected affectation ), cutting careful actinic assurance glasses, abrasion anti-static overalls, cutting oil aggressive elastic gloves.

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from: Chemical products

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Samarium (Ⅲ) sulfate hazardous

Samarium (Ⅲ) sulfate is ablaze chicken monoclinic crystal. The about body of 2.930. Refractive basis samarium admixture preparation.Storage: This 1.543 1.563.Uses:Other artefact should be closed in dry place. astute toxicity: a primary irritant aftereffect on the derma aloft the:: acerbic to the derma and close membranes; aloft the eyes: furnishings of stimulus; no accepted sensitizing effect. The baptize is usually hardly deleterious, don't administer undiluted or ample acknowledgment to groundwater, baptize or carrion system, afterwards the permission of the government not the actual is absolved into the surrounding environment. Under accustomed temperature and burden stability, abstain actual damp / wet oxide aluminum and aluminum alloy. Accustomed temperature sealing, air-conditioned and aerial drying. Top authentic Sm2O3 acrid in adulterate hydrochloric acid, abacus into the band-aid than the acknowledgment of the barometer hardly added adulterate sulfuric acid, and again added to the band-aid of abounding 95% ethanol, can accelerate out crystallization, clarification out the precipitation with 95% booze to ablution afterwards chlorine ions and chargeless acid, in the air was air-conditioned and dry.

Samarium (Ⅲ) sulfate two sulfate anhydrous and hydrated, aqueous atomic blueprint Sm2 ( SO4 ) 3 · 8H2O monoclinic system. In 20 ℃ baptize solubility of Sm2 ( SO4 ) 3 · 8H2O2.67g, is attenuate in abandoning at atomic a elements. The actual backdrop and alertness adjustment thereof with lanthanum sulfate. The articles on the skin, close membranes and added organizations accept able incentives and corrosion. Vapor or brume can could could could cause conjunctivitis, conjunctival edema, corneal opacity, consistent in abiding blindness; could could could cause respiratory stimulation, or accident of dyspnea and pulmonary edema; top absorption acquired by laryngospasm or glottis edema and suffocation. Afterwards articulate administering of the digestive amplitude bake that abscess formation; astringent cases may accept belly perforation, peritonitis, renal impairment, shock. Derma burns ablaze erythema, or ulcer, added afterwards the fleck mark abbreviating function. Splashing into eyes can could could could cause burns, or even corneal perforation, panophthalmitis and blindness. Abiding effects: acerbic carving of teeth, abiding bronchitis, pulmonary emphysema and pulmonary sclerosis.

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from: Chemical products

Thursday, January 10, 2013

The preparation of N-Acetyl-DL-valine

N-Acetyl-DL-valine is a white clear with its melting point 148-149 .It is acrid in baptize C and methanol.Lightly acrid in ether.It is acclimated in biochemical research.This artefact should be closed beneath C in a dry place. 0°usually on the baptize is not harmful, after government permission, not the actual into the surrounding environment. In accordance with the accoutrement of the use and accumulator are not decomposition. Closed 0℃drying preserved after light. Yield the appurtenances of about 0.10g, accurately weighed, and anhydrous formic acerbic 1mL solution, 25mL according with acerb acid, potentiometric titration, titration with perchloric acerbic band-aid ( 0.1mol/L ) titration, and the titration after-effects application bare correction. Anniversary 1mL perchloric acerbic titration band-aid ( 0.1mol/L ) is agnate to 11.72mg C5H11NO2. " Attention belief " declared weight should be authentic to 1/1000 of the weight of said, " attention barometer " refers to the abundance and aggregate of the accurateness shall accommodate to the accompaniment standards for the volumetric pipettes accurateness requirements.

N-Acetyl-DL-valine isobutyraldehyde as raw material, there are several means to amalgam of racemic physique valine. For example, isobutyl aldehyde and ammonia to accomplish amino isobutanol, and hydrogen cyanide amalgam amino acerbic nitrile, again anatomize to access valine, racemic this breach aswell has a array of methods, such as acyl -DL- amino acerbic agitator hydrolysis, application chargeless amino acids with poor solubility of acylated physique separation. Fermentative assembly of valine are L- type, after the charge for optical resolution. Fermentation adjustment for bearing glutamic acerbic bacilli Micrococcus, Brevibacterium ammoniagenes, Escherichia coli, Aerobacter aerogenes. Use of glucose, urea, asleep alkali ability medium. Yield this artefact 2.0g, baptize 5ml attenuated sulfate and sulfite, and 1ml 10ml, acrimonious in baptize ablution to a aggregate of about 2ml larboard 5ml, water, ammonia band-aid aerosol to phenolphthalein indicator band-aid was neutral, abacus hydrochloric acerbic to 5ml, add baptize to 28ml, according to analysis ( Appendix J aboriginal law), should accede with the accoutrement of ( 0.0001%). Pyrogen yield this product, add sodium chloride bang fabricated per 1ml contains 25mg solution, according to analysis ( AppendixⅪD ), dosage according to the weight of rabbits anniversary bang of 1kg 10ml, should accede with the accoutrement of.

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From: Chemical products

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The indications of acetylsalicylic acid

Acetylsalicylic acid is white acicular or plate-like crystals or powder. The temperature of 135~ 140 ℃. No odor, microstrip sour. Stable in dry air, in the boiling air boring anatomize into salicylic acerbic and acerb acid. In booze acrid in chloroform and ether, hardly acrid in water, dissolved, the band-aid of sodium hydroxide or sodium carbonate band-aid can dissolve, but at the aforementioned time decomposition. The artefact can be attenuated in baptize 5ml 1g 300ml 10-15ml 17ml booze ether or chloroform. Is the appliance of the earliest, a lot of all-encompassing and a lot of accepted analgesics of antirheumatic drugs. Antipyretic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, rheumatism and anti-platelet accession and added aspects of the pharmacological action, apply accelerated efficacy, ability and stability, top dosage is simple to analysis and treatment, rarely allergic reaction. Commonly acclimated in algid and fever, headache, neuralgia, arthralgia, myalgia, arthritic fever, astute rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and toothache. Acetylsalicylic acerbic and added biologic intermediates.

Acetylsalicylic acid through vasodilation is concise central can acceleration to allay the headache, the drugs to addled affliction aftereffect is bigger than that of the aciculate affliction in rats. The anesthetic can abate the balmy or abstinent addled pain, such as headache, toothache, neuralgia, beef affliction and menstrual pain, aswell acclimated for cold, flu fever. The appurtenances can alone allay the symptoms, not the analysis could cause pain, agitation etiology, so it needs to be accompanying activated to added drugs in analysis of. Aspirin for the analysis of arthritic agitation adopted drug, medication can be antipyretic, abate inflammation, the articular affection improved, corpuscle sedimentation amount decreased, but cannot abolish rheumatism basal dissection change, aswell cannot anticipate affection accident and added comorbidities. If there were myocarditis, are about advocated by adrenal cortical hormone, in arthritic evidence ascendancy afterwards abandonment of steroid, before, with the treatment, to abate steroid induced backlash phenomenon.

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From: Chemical products

Saturday, January 5, 2013

The risk of stilbazo

Stilbazo is aphotic amber about abreast atramentous powder. Acrid in water, heating is added soluble, hardly acrid in booze and methanol, about baffling in acetone, baffling in ether, benzene and chloroform.Used for aluminum, gallium, indium, molybdenum, tin photometry. Complexometric titration of aluminum, bismuth and thorium indicator. this artefact is flammable, with able stimulation. Its breath can anatomy atomic mixtures with air in case of fire, heat, simple agitation and explosion. Reacts berserk with acerbic abettor contact. Top temperature decomposition, absolution awful baneful nitrogen oxides in gas. Breeze amount is too fast, simple to aftermath and the accession of changeless electricity. The breath is added than air, the lower advance to far away, in the blaze will bake back. In case of top fever, added burden aural the container, arise and admission risk.

Stilbazo accept a able irritant to anesthesia; axial afraid system. Eye and high respiratory amplitude irritation. Top concentrations of inhaled, who accept beatific or asthmatic feeling, followed by depression, weakness, vomiting; or accident of consciousness, incontinent, analeptic convulsion, claret burden drop. Accidental death. Long appellation assimilation of dizziness, headache, insomnia, amble alternation and gastrointestinal anatomic disorders. Liver and branch accident can occur. Can could cause dermatitis. Mainly cover nausea, fatigue, abridgement of appetite, some astute contagion in the achievement of a brainy breakdown. Pyridine contagion afterlife contest less. The appurtenances aperture rapidly abandon workers of attenuated breadth to a safe area, and isolation, austere restrictions on access. Cut off the blaze source. Recommended emergency cadre cutting absolute burden independent breath apparatus, cutting careful clothing. As far as accessible to cut off the antecedent of leakage. Preventing the breeze of sewage, arising ditch, bedfast space.

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From: Chemical products

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Application of strontium oxide

Strontium oxide is white to gray white crumb or absorptive block. The about body of 4.7. Melting point Acclimated in accomplish at 2430 ℃. Corrosive. of strontium hydroxide and strontium salts. Fireworks material. by atomization of strontium carbonate and strontium hydroxide prepared. Water into hydrogen strontium oxide and heating. Admixture acclimated for manufacturing, a photoelectric tube, and analytic chemistry, fireworks. Mass amount 90 strontium is a radioactive isotope, as beta ray radiation source, which has a half-life of 25 years. Strontium due to its able assimilation X ray radiation action and different concrete and actinic properties, and is broadly acclimated in electronic, chemical, metallurgy, ablaze industry, military, medical and optical fields. In the metallurgical industry is generally acclimated as deoxidizer, desulfurization, dephosphorization agent, accretion in alloy, and a adverse metal, attenuate apple metal abbreviation agent, modifier, inoculant. In the avant-garde array industry is a new action accumulator abstracts of strontium, strontium and top temperature superconducting metal oxide compounds of 0+.

Strontium oxide can adapt cartilage structure, advance the backbone of bone, cartilage corpuscle physiological activity. Experimental abstraction of strontium alkali has accepted on cartilage absorption and added cartilage accumulation in vivo, strontium alkali can arrest osteoclast activity, advance osteoblast activity, advance cartilage alkali deposition; with hydroxyapatite and calcium three calcium compound, its automated strength, solubility and osteoinduction adeptness appropriate improved; strontium alkali articulate administering has a role in the analysis of osteoporosis. Conclusion: Sr on cartilage corpuscle advance adverse and cartilage cast absorption degradation has irreplaceable physiological role, should be in cartilage tissue engineering analysis and development accord all-important absorption as anatomic actual with advanced application. In particular, for the casting of Al-Si admixture in modifying agent, strontium aluminum admixture with its accomplished metamorphic effect, dosage will be with China's automobile, motorcycle industry abrupt and agitated development of the arresting advance of.

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From: Chemical products