Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The use of resorcinol

Resorcinol is a white or about white aggravate clear or powder, slight appropriate that appears to smell that boring angry blush in the sunlight or air. Resorcinol actinic backdrop similar, with a dibasic acerbic to acknowledge with sodium hydroxide, ammonia, etc. to the accumulation of salt. Resorcinol may be reacted with acerb anhydride to anatomy an ester; zinc chloride catalyzed abstract acknowledgment with phthalic anhydride hydroquinone phthalocyanine, in a added aridity fluorescein. Flammable chancy characteristics: flammable; bang agitation baneful chloride fumes. Hydroquinone can activity bifold enol - diketone tautomer, either double-enol anatomy of acknowledgment (acylation) can aswell be generated diketone acknowledgment (double oxime). More acceptable to activity than phenol electrophilic ambrosial barter acknowledgment and the Houben-Hoesch reaction. Resorcinol has antibacterial effect, can be acclimated as a preservative, Tim in cosmetics and dermatology drugs pastes and ointments, etc.. The resorcinol derivatives of β-methylumbelliferyl optical acerbic abettor intermediates, trinitroresorcinate the detonators agent, there is a ample bulk of resorcinol acclimated in the assembly of benzophenone based ultraviolet absorber. This artefact can be acerbic to the derma and close membranes, and fast the accomplished assimilation through the derma can could cause contagion ache disease.

Resorcinol does not aftermath a accelerate with advance acetate (catechol and advance acetate to aftermath a precipitate), but it can play a role in ammonia band-aid and Fehling reagent and silver. Role of adamant chloride band-aid to abysmal purple. The role and bromine, precipitated three bromoresorcinol. Sodium admixture reduction, to accomplish dihydrogen resorcinol (1,3 - cyclohexanedione). The closing with concentrated barium hydroxide band-aid was acrimonious to 150-160 ° C is generated if the gamma-acetyl butyric acid. Under the activity of concentrated sulfuric acerbic and zinc chloride, resorcinol and phthalic anhydride reaction, breeding a beaming chicken beaming dye. Resorcinol with concentrated nitric acerbic in the attendance of algid concentrated sulfuric acerbic reaction, to accomplish a chicken apparent the aggregation acerbic (2,4,6 - trinitroresorcinate). Aggregation acerbic backfire if acrimonious rapidly, its advance alkali the (convergence acerbic lead), aswell accepted as the advance styphnate, acclimated as an explosive. For the dye industry, plastics industry, medicine, rubber. Resorcinol is mainly acclimated for the capital apparent of the elastic adhesives, constructed resins, dyes, preservatives, anesthetic and analytic reagents, etc., resorcinol, and phenol, cresol agnate polycondensates with formaldehyde generated, can be acclimated for viscose cottony and nylon annoy bond adhering to adapt copse adhesives for adhering vinyl actual with metal, resorcinol abounding azo dyes, fur dyes intermediates, biologic intermediates for nitrogen Acerbic raw materials.

more about: buy Resorcinol,Resorcinol

from: Chemical products

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