Monday, February 25, 2013

Phenol violet characteristics

Phenol violet is brown-green apparent powder. Soluble in alcohol, baffling in water. Uses for acid-base indicator. It can be acclimated to blot damp from the air and liquefied. Special that appears to that appears to smell sweet, actual adulterate solution. Highly corrosive. Ability of a actinic reaction. Accomplish a phenolic resin, a bisphenol A with an aldehyde, ketone, and acerb anhydride; salicylate acknowledgment of phenyl acetate, salicylate. Can aswell be halo, hydrogenation, oxidation, alkylation, carboxylation, esterification, etherification and added reactions. Is solid at accustomed temperature, the use of phenol, and sodium can not acknowledge smoothly, if the heating and melting phenol, the adjustment added added sodium metal experiment, phenol is calmly reduced, phenol changes blush if acrimonious and appulse beginning results. Was crop the afterward access in teaching experiments, simple operation, and accomplished satisfactory beginning results. 2-3 ml of anhydrous ether was added in a analysis tube, demography a section of sodium metal bean size, kerosene with the apparent of the dry clarify paper, placed in a diethyl ether, can be apparent that sodium does not acknowledge with ether. The baby bulk of phenol is added and again added tubes, oscillation, again sodium was empiric to acknowledge rapidly in vitro to aftermath ample volumes of gas. The assumption of this agreement is phenol was attenuated in diethyl ether, and the acknowledgment of phenol with sodium smooth. Phenol can be activated with a adamant chloride solution, the accession of adamant chloride can be empiric in the band-aid becomes purple. The acknowledgment of phenol and bromine to accomplish Tribromophenol white precipitate.

Phenol violet broadly acclimated in the accomplish of phenolic resin, adhesive resin, nylon fibers, plasticizers, developer, preservatives, pesticides, fungicides, dyes, pharmaceuticals, perfumes and explosives, etc. This artefact is acerb alignment and irritation. Has been appear in ailing aerial spaces, to the phenol ablution charwoman cradle and mattress could cause of neonatal hyperbilirubinemia, breed accept accurate fatal. Placed in the air and the ablaze turns red, the smell, the baking point of 181.84 ° C. Toxic people, pay absorption to anticipate acquaintance with the skin. Industrial mainly acquired by the cumene system. Phenol production, in 1984, the world's absolute assembly accommodation of about 5 megatons. The phenol versatile. Before the First World War, the alone antecedent of phenol is extracted from atramentous tar. The all-inclusive majority of constructed methods. Sulfonated the law, chlorobenzene law, cumene. Molecular Structure: C atoms in the benzene ring affirmed to sp2 amalgam orbitals, O atoms bonding sp3 amalgam orbitals. The phenol is mainly acclimated for the accomplish of phenolic resins, bisphenol-A and caprolactam. Assembly of phenolic adhesive is its better use, accounting for added than bisected of the phenol yield. In addition, there is a ample bulk of phenol acclimated for the assembly of halogenated phenols. From a chlorophenol to pentachlorophenol, they can be acclimated for the assembly of 2,4 - dichlorophenoxyacetic acerbic (2,4 - D) and 2,4,5 - trichlorophenoxyacetic acerbic (2,4,5 - tears) and added herbicides; pentachlorophenol copse preservatives; Added halogenated phenol derivatives as acaricides, of covering preservatives and fungicides. The alkyl phenol is able alkylphenol - formaldehyde polymer acquired by phenol monomer, and as an antioxidant, a non-ionic apparent alive agent, a plasticizer, a petroleum artefact additives. Phenol is a lot of anesthetic (such as salicylic acid, aspirin and sulfa drugs, etc.), constructed fragrances, dyes (such as Disperse Red 3B) raw materials. In addition, a adulterate aqueous band-aid of phenol can be anon acclimated as preservatives and disinfectants.

more about: buy Phenol violet

from: Chemical Reagent

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