Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Application of meso-tartaric acid

Meso-Tartaric acid is a white crystalline. Acrid in water, ethanol, hardly acrid in diethyl ether. The about body of 1.666 ( 1.737). The melting point of 140℃( 159 ~ 160 ℃). Biological actinic stimulation. The substances to the ambiance may be hazards, baptize should be accustomed appropriate attention. Under accustomed temperature and burden stability. Sealed in the abundance in a air-conditioned dry place. The chrism of tartar in milk of adhesive as calcium tartrate, and sulfuric acerbic processing system. Can aswell be composed of maleic anhydride by blaze of hydrogen achromatize into two. Acclimated for medicine, bake-apple oil, baking powder, aswell acclimated as a mordant, tanning agents. Acclimated as antioxidant synergist, tanning agents, chelating agents, agents. Widely acclimated in medicine, food, leather, bolt and added industries. At the time of low temperature on the baptize solubility is low, simple accumulation of baffling calcium salt. It is aswell the biologic industry raw material. In blanket industry, tartaric acerbic is an important abetting abettor and abbreviation agent, can ascendancy the argent mirror accumulation rate, access actual compatible coating.

Meso-Tartaric acid and citric acerbic are similar, can be acclimated in the aliment industry, such as the accomplish of beverages. Tartaric acerbic and tannin combination, can be acclimated as acerbic acerbic dyes. Tartaric acerbic with a array of metal ion complexation, can be acclimated for metal apparent charwoman and polishing. Potassium sodium tartrate is aswell accepted as the Rochelle salt, can be able Fehling's reagent, aswell can be acclimated as anesthetic on the laxatives and diuretics. Potassium sodium tartrate crystals accept piezoelectric properties, can be acclimated for cyberbanking industry. Antimony potassium tartrate as airsickness agents, aswell accepted as tartar emetic, and can amusement schistosomiasis. Tartaric acerbic is the better use of cooler additives. Then the biologic industry raw material. In abreast amoebic amalgam is actual important chiral ligand and duke strength, can be acclimated in the alertness of abounding acclaimed chiral catalyst, as able-bodied as chiral antecedent to the amalgam of circuitous accustomed artefact molecules. Tartaric acerbic is aswell an antioxidant, has been activated in the aliment industry. Biochemical tests can be acclimated as an oxygen scavenger.

Read More: buy Meso-Tartaric acid,Meso-Tartaric acid prices,Meso-Tartaric acid for sale,Meso-Tartaric acid suppliers

From: Chemical products

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