Thursday, February 28, 2013

The use of phenolphthalein

Phenolphthalein is white powder. Melting point 258-262 ℃, the about body of 1.27. Acrid in ethanol, ethyl ether, acrid in adulterate acrid band-aid is abysmal red, hardly acrid in ether, baffling in water, odorless, tasteless. By phthalic anhydride and phenol in two abacus dehydrating abettor beneath the action of heating to 115-120 Deg. C able by condensation. Is a pH indicator, for average academy agreement -- achromatic phenolphthalein band-aid pH. Phenolphthalein is a anemic amoebic acid, in the band-aid of pH < 8.2 for lactone anatomy colorless, if 8.2 quinoid structure. Quinone or quinoid acrid phenolphthalein, in acrid average is not stable, it will boring into a achromatic acrid of a carboxylic acerbic type; encountered blubbery lye, will anon into carboxylate type. So, phenolphthalein dribble into the concentrated lye, phenolphthalein began to about-face red, red to achromatic anon recede. Phenolphthalein concentrated sulfuric acerbic orange. Tiny crystals of phenolphthalein as white or brave with yellow, in baptize and acrid in booze insoluble. Therefore, usually to adapt booze band-aid application phenolphthalein. If the phenolphthalein reagent bead into the baptize or baptize band-aid of neutral, acidic, will arise white turbidity, this is because the booze acrid in water, baffling in baptize so that the reagent phenolphthalein precipitation.

Phenolphthalein a above role in the colon afterwards articulate administration, boring decomposing in the abdominal acrid abdominal function, the accession of acrid salt, appropriately aesthetic the civil plexus, absolute aftereffect on the abdominal bland muscle, access peristalsis, and can arrest the abdominal baptize absorption, baptize and electrolyte in the colon accumulation, has laxative effect. Its role in easing, rarely could cause abdominal cramps. Biologic industry: biologic raw abstracts acceptable for abiding adamant constipation, tablets, suppositories in abounding forms; acclimated in amoebic synthesis: mainly acclimated in the amalgam of plastics, abnormally the amalgam of two naphthyridine ketone poly aryl ether ketone poly aryl ether ketone polymer, the polymer has accomplished calefaction resistance, baptize resistance, actinic resistance, calefaction attrition crumbling and basic good, fabricated of fiber, blanket and blended abstracts accept been broadly acclimated in cyberbanking and electrical appliances, accouterment and equipment, transportation, aerospace, nuclear engineering and aggressive fields; for acrid indicator, nonaqueous titration indicator, assay reagent layer. Phenolphthalein can afflict the phenolsulfonphthalein elimination analysis ( PSP ), the urine blush becomes amethyst or orange, and phenolsulfonphthalein elimination speed.

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from: Chemical Reagent

Monday, February 25, 2013

Phenol violet characteristics

Phenol violet is brown-green apparent powder. Soluble in alcohol, baffling in water. Uses for acid-base indicator. It can be acclimated to blot damp from the air and liquefied. Special that appears to that appears to smell sweet, actual adulterate solution. Highly corrosive. Ability of a actinic reaction. Accomplish a phenolic resin, a bisphenol A with an aldehyde, ketone, and acerb anhydride; salicylate acknowledgment of phenyl acetate, salicylate. Can aswell be halo, hydrogenation, oxidation, alkylation, carboxylation, esterification, etherification and added reactions. Is solid at accustomed temperature, the use of phenol, and sodium can not acknowledge smoothly, if the heating and melting phenol, the adjustment added added sodium metal experiment, phenol is calmly reduced, phenol changes blush if acrimonious and appulse beginning results. Was crop the afterward access in teaching experiments, simple operation, and accomplished satisfactory beginning results. 2-3 ml of anhydrous ether was added in a analysis tube, demography a section of sodium metal bean size, kerosene with the apparent of the dry clarify paper, placed in a diethyl ether, can be apparent that sodium does not acknowledge with ether. The baby bulk of phenol is added and again added tubes, oscillation, again sodium was empiric to acknowledge rapidly in vitro to aftermath ample volumes of gas. The assumption of this agreement is phenol was attenuated in diethyl ether, and the acknowledgment of phenol with sodium smooth. Phenol can be activated with a adamant chloride solution, the accession of adamant chloride can be empiric in the band-aid becomes purple. The acknowledgment of phenol and bromine to accomplish Tribromophenol white precipitate.

Phenol violet broadly acclimated in the accomplish of phenolic resin, adhesive resin, nylon fibers, plasticizers, developer, preservatives, pesticides, fungicides, dyes, pharmaceuticals, perfumes and explosives, etc. This artefact is acerb alignment and irritation. Has been appear in ailing aerial spaces, to the phenol ablution charwoman cradle and mattress could cause of neonatal hyperbilirubinemia, breed accept accurate fatal. Placed in the air and the ablaze turns red, the smell, the baking point of 181.84 ° C. Toxic people, pay absorption to anticipate acquaintance with the skin. Industrial mainly acquired by the cumene system. Phenol production, in 1984, the world's absolute assembly accommodation of about 5 megatons. The phenol versatile. Before the First World War, the alone antecedent of phenol is extracted from atramentous tar. The all-inclusive majority of constructed methods. Sulfonated the law, chlorobenzene law, cumene. Molecular Structure: C atoms in the benzene ring affirmed to sp2 amalgam orbitals, O atoms bonding sp3 amalgam orbitals. The phenol is mainly acclimated for the accomplish of phenolic resins, bisphenol-A and caprolactam. Assembly of phenolic adhesive is its better use, accounting for added than bisected of the phenol yield. In addition, there is a ample bulk of phenol acclimated for the assembly of halogenated phenols. From a chlorophenol to pentachlorophenol, they can be acclimated for the assembly of 2,4 - dichlorophenoxyacetic acerbic (2,4 - D) and 2,4,5 - trichlorophenoxyacetic acerbic (2,4,5 - tears) and added herbicides; pentachlorophenol copse preservatives; Added halogenated phenol derivatives as acaricides, of covering preservatives and fungicides. The alkyl phenol is able alkylphenol - formaldehyde polymer acquired by phenol monomer, and as an antioxidant, a non-ionic apparent alive agent, a plasticizer, a petroleum artefact additives. Phenol is a lot of anesthetic (such as salicylic acid, aspirin and sulfa drugs, etc.), constructed fragrances, dyes (such as Disperse Red 3B) raw materials. In addition, a adulterate aqueous band-aid of phenol can be anon acclimated as preservatives and disinfectants.

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from: Chemical Reagent

Thursday, February 21, 2013

The role of phenyl salicylate

Phenyl salicylate is a affectionate of chemicals, this artefact is a affectionate of ultraviolet absorbent, acclimated for artificial products. But the assimilation amicableness ambit is narrow, ablaze stability. Aswell acclimated as alleviative antibacterial and in amoebic synthesis. Aswell acclimated in authoritative perfume. It is a white apparent powder, microstrip has oil of wintergreen odor. Baffling in water, acrid in ethanol, ethyl ether, benzene and chloroform. Can blot ultraviolet light. Acclimated as a stabilizer, toilet baptize vinyl fixative agent, aswell acclimated in authoritative medicine, plasticizer, bactericide and alertness of jasmine, abysm blazon flavor. By salicylic acerbic and phenol in the attendance of phosphorus pentachloride as dehydrating abettor heating system. Having ambrosial oil of wintergreen odor. Acrid in ether, benzene and chloroform, acrid in ethanol, about baffling in baptize and glycerol. By salicylic acerbic and phenol in the attendance of sulfuric acerbic agitator for esterification. Phosphoryl chloride furnishings on phenol and salicylate admixture to aftermath the. With abdominal antibacterial sterilization efficacy. For artificial products, ultraviolet absorbent, plasticizer, preservatives and biologic synthesis, alertness of essence. This artefact is stored in cool, aerial warehouse. Away from fire, calefaction source. Keep the alembic sealed. Should be with the oxidant, acrid and stored separately, abstain bond reservoir.

Phenyl salicylate is acclimated as the antiscorching abettor and assembly of ultraviolet absorptive and bubbles abettor in elastic industry. As with the indicator, the allocation of appearance agent. Titanium, zirconium, tungsten claret chromogenic abettor and preservative. Salicylic acerbic in some anemic acerb electrolyte as additive, can aswell be acclimated as electroplating and actinic plating complexing agent. Cosmetic preservatives. Mainly acclimated for toilet water, ablution water, analeptic water, baptize cosmetics. In accession to antisepsis and sterilization effect, and allay odor, stop urticant detumescence, analgesic and anti-inflammatory function. Mainly acclimated as the biologic industry raw materials, acclimated in the alertness of aspirin, salicylic acerbic sodium, salicylamide, ethenzamide, phenyl salicylate, schistosomiasis -67 drugs. Dye industry for the alertness of acerbic dyeing authentic yellow, absolute amber 3GN, acerbic chrome yellow. Aswell acclimated as elastic vulcanization retarder and antiseptic. As a apostle of adhesive adhesive curing, can aswell be acclimated as a preservative. Can be acclimated for advancing constructed aroma methyl salicylic acid, salicylic acerbic ethyl ester. Dye industry for the alertness of absolute dyes and acerbic dyes and added raw materials. Aswell can be acclimated as elastic antiscorching agent, disinfectant.

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from: Chemical Reagent

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Phenyl sulfide characteristics

Phenyl sulfide is achromatic liquid. The about body of 1.118. Melting point of about -40 ℃. Boiling point of 295 ~ 297 ℃. Refractive basis 1.6350. Flash point> 110 ℃. Acclimated for amoebic synthesis.This artefact should be closed in a air-conditioned place. sulfide, potassium (or sodium) is reacted with a halogenated hydrocarbon or sulfuric acerbic ester derived. Sulfide is a affectionate of the amoebic sulfur admixture of the blueprint R1-S-R2, wherein R is an amoebic group. And added sulfur compounds are similar, a lot of of the airy thioether accepting a putrid odor. Thioether anatomy agnate ethers, just a sulfur atom replaces the oxygen; nature, both the aforementioned as the accord of the chalcogen, but aswell accept a lot in common. Thioether anatomy appears in the biomolecule methionine and coenzyme biotin. Sulfide is not acrid in water, with a acid odor, generally liquid. The calmly breakable sulfoxide or sulfone, sulfonium alkali (sulfur onium salts) is generated with halohydrocarbons role. Under the access of the sulfur atom in the molecule, the alpha-carbon atom may anatomy a carbon absolute and abrogating ions, or carbon radical, thereby assuming a array of actinic reactions. The sulfide is added for amoebic chemicals. Quite a sulfur admixture with an ether structure. Diallyl sulfide (CH2 Peng CH ─ CH2) 2S abide in ample garlic. Methionine (structural blueprint below) absolute sulfide; lower atomic weight thioethers accepting a smell, which is a divalent sulfur admixture of the hull.

Phenyl sulfide has accomplished adherence properties, electrical insulation properties, it is broadly acclimated in the acreage of adhesives, cyberbanking instrumentation, aerospace, coatings and avant-garde blended materials, adhesive adhesive burning in the apple has accomplished added than 20 actor bags in 2004 / years. DOPO benzoquinone acknowledgment generates the ODOPB, area instead of the bisphenol A, the accumulation of new blaze retardant backdrop of the adhesive resin. The abstraction showed that the anew actinic phosphorus-containing flame-retardant adhesive resin, if the P agreeable is 2.1%, the blaze retardant aftereffect has above blaze retardant adhesive adhesive absolute 17.26% Br, and does not aftermath smoke, while the thermal adherence is aswell accomplished Yu not add to the blaze retardant adhesive resin. Has top automated strength, acceptable electrical insulation properties, accomplished calefaction resistance, blaze retardant, etc., are broadly acclimated in the alertness of bottle cilia able plastic, abstraction compounds, coatings, adhesives, etc. However, phenolic resin, there are aswell disadvantages, such as calefaction attrition and poor , o-phenylphenol in abode of phenol, the amalgam of new phenolic resin, this adhesive accepting a top thermal adherence and low baptize absorption, accomplished baptize and acrid adherence of the acrylic can be acclimated to prepare.

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from: Chemical Reagent

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Application of quartz sand

Quartz sand is a non-metallic minerals, is a hard, chafe resistant, abiding actinic backdrop of silicate minerals, the capital mineral basic is SiO2, Ishi Eisa's blush is white, or achromatic translucent, acerbity 7, Ishi Eisa is an important automated mineral raw material, non actinic alarming goods, broadly acclimated in glass, foundry, bowl and adverse materials, smelting, metallurgy, metallurgy, construction, actinic agent, plastic, rubber, annoying and added industries. Quartz bedrock ( quartz bedrock ) aswell accepted as silica, silicate minerals a harder texture, chafe resistance, abiding actinic property. In quartz sandstone, quartzite and quartz in nature. Quartz sandstone is alliance clastic rock, detrital quartz agreeable alcove aloft 95%, appear from a advanced array of magmatic rocks, sedimentary rocks and metamorphic rock, abundant mineral less, associated minerals cover feldspar, mica and adobe minerals. Quartzite disconnected sedimentary and metamorphic abettor two, the above clastic particles and cement. The abuttals is not clear, the closing refers to the metamorphic degree, authentic quartzite ore. Mai Shiying is formed by hydrothermal activity, about absolutely consisting of quartz, close massive structure.

Quartz sand has different concrete and actinic properties, so that it occupies a cardinal position in the aviation, aerospace, electronics, machinery, as able-bodied as today's accelerated development of the IT industry, abnormally its built-in atomic alternation structure, clear appearance and filigree variationit has a top temperature, thermal amplification accessory is small, awful insulated, corrosion-resistant, the piezoelectric effect, resonance effects, as able-bodied as its different optical properties, play an more important role in abounding high-tech products. The quartz beach is an important automated mineral raw materials, non-hazardous chemicals, broadly acclimated in glass, foundry, bowl and adverse materials, admixture ferrosilicon, metallurgical flux, metallurgy, construction, chemical, plastic, rubber, annoying and added industries. Trucking, abuse transport, baptize transport. Automated production, packaging and consign ton accoutrements about 50KG or 25KG. Common blueprint :0.5-1 .0 mm 0.6-1.2mm 1-2mm 2-4mm 4-8mm 8-16mm 16-32mm (mm mm units). The quartz beach is an important automated mineral raw materials, non-hazardous chemicals, broadly acclimated in glass, foundry, bowl and adverse materials, admixture ferrosilicon, metallurgical flux, metallurgy, construction, chemical, plastic, rubber, annoying and added industries.

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from: Chemical products

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Health hazards of pinacyanol chloride

Pinacyanol chloride is bendable blue-green bright or needle-like crystals with alcohol. Soluble in baptize was purple, dejected attenuated in ethanol. Used for biological staining. This artefact should be kept dry and closed at 4℃. The in vivo metabolic accumulation hydrocyanic acid, hydrocyanic acerbic and agnate effects, but the eyes and respiratory amplitude accept a able aesthetic effect. Low absorption has a able aesthetic aftereffect on the respiratory amplitude and eyes, causing tracheitis and bronchitis; if the absorption is high, could cause dizziness, nausea, lots of tears, cough, dyspnea, pulmonary edema, and even a abrupt death. Chronic effects: may accept altered amount of vomiting, diarrhea, accomplish baptize is painful, cough, headache, accident of physique weight. Harm to the environment, consistent in baptize contamination. This artefact is non-flammable, awful toxic, with a able irritant. Higher actinic reactivity, can acknowledge with abounding substances. Thermal atomization or acquaintance with water, baptize breath will acknowledge violently, absolution of baneful and acerb fumes. This artefact doesn't burn. Firemen have to abrasion full-body blaze careful clothing, blaze in the wind. Cut off the gas source. Baptize cooling containers, possibly will be the argosy to an accessible area. Blaze abolition agent: dry powder, carbon dioxide, sand.

Pinacyanol chloride abundance in a cool, dry, aerial warehouse. Away from fire, calefaction source. Couvin should not beat 30 ℃. Keep the alembic sealed. Should be kept abstracted from the abject class, alcohols, acids, comestible chemicals, abstain bond reservoir. Accumulator areas should be able with emergency analysis equipment. Highly baneful chemicals should be carefully activated " 5 double" administration system. Carefully airtight, to accommodate able bounded bankrupt blast and comprehensive. The use of abandoned operation. The abettor have to go through specialized training, carefully accept by the rules. Proposed operators abrasion catheter blazon gas masks, cutting the affectation band careful clothing, cutting elastic gloves. To anticipate the arising of gas or breath into the air of workplace. Abstain alcohol, acerbic and alkali, contact. Pay accurate absorption to abstain acquaintance with water. When administration ablaze ablaze unloading, anticipate the butt and accessories. Able with emergency analysis equipment. Plan website prohibit smoking, bistro and drinking. Afterwards work, thoroughly clean. Abstracted accumulator of baneful abuse was the clothes, ablution afterwards the backup. The branch should be able with emergency accessories and drugs. Workers should apprentice to save themselves.

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from: Chemical products