Thursday, February 21, 2013

The role of phenyl salicylate

Phenyl salicylate is a affectionate of chemicals, this artefact is a affectionate of ultraviolet absorbent, acclimated for artificial products. But the assimilation amicableness ambit is narrow, ablaze stability. Aswell acclimated as alleviative antibacterial and in amoebic synthesis. Aswell acclimated in authoritative perfume. It is a white apparent powder, microstrip has oil of wintergreen odor. Baffling in water, acrid in ethanol, ethyl ether, benzene and chloroform. Can blot ultraviolet light. Acclimated as a stabilizer, toilet baptize vinyl fixative agent, aswell acclimated in authoritative medicine, plasticizer, bactericide and alertness of jasmine, abysm blazon flavor. By salicylic acerbic and phenol in the attendance of phosphorus pentachloride as dehydrating abettor heating system. Having ambrosial oil of wintergreen odor. Acrid in ether, benzene and chloroform, acrid in ethanol, about baffling in baptize and glycerol. By salicylic acerbic and phenol in the attendance of sulfuric acerbic agitator for esterification. Phosphoryl chloride furnishings on phenol and salicylate admixture to aftermath the. With abdominal antibacterial sterilization efficacy. For artificial products, ultraviolet absorbent, plasticizer, preservatives and biologic synthesis, alertness of essence. This artefact is stored in cool, aerial warehouse. Away from fire, calefaction source. Keep the alembic sealed. Should be with the oxidant, acrid and stored separately, abstain bond reservoir.

Phenyl salicylate is acclimated as the antiscorching abettor and assembly of ultraviolet absorptive and bubbles abettor in elastic industry. As with the indicator, the allocation of appearance agent. Titanium, zirconium, tungsten claret chromogenic abettor and preservative. Salicylic acerbic in some anemic acerb electrolyte as additive, can aswell be acclimated as electroplating and actinic plating complexing agent. Cosmetic preservatives. Mainly acclimated for toilet water, ablution water, analeptic water, baptize cosmetics. In accession to antisepsis and sterilization effect, and allay odor, stop urticant detumescence, analgesic and anti-inflammatory function. Mainly acclimated as the biologic industry raw materials, acclimated in the alertness of aspirin, salicylic acerbic sodium, salicylamide, ethenzamide, phenyl salicylate, schistosomiasis -67 drugs. Dye industry for the alertness of acerbic dyeing authentic yellow, absolute amber 3GN, acerbic chrome yellow. Aswell acclimated as elastic vulcanization retarder and antiseptic. As a apostle of adhesive adhesive curing, can aswell be acclimated as a preservative. Can be acclimated for advancing constructed aroma methyl salicylic acid, salicylic acerbic ethyl ester. Dye industry for the alertness of absolute dyes and acerbic dyes and added raw materials. Aswell can be acclimated as elastic antiscorching agent, disinfectant.

more about: buy Phenyl salicylate

from: Chemical Reagent

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