Friday, June 17, 2016

How should I take oseltamivir?

Take oseltamivir absolutely as assigned by your doctor. Follow all admonition on your decree label. Do not yield this anesthetic in beyond or abate amounts or for best than recommended.
Start demography oseltamivir as anon as accessible afterwards flu affection appear, such as fever, chills, beef aches, abscessed throat, and aqueous or airless nose.
Take the abridged with a abounding bottle of water.
Shake the articulate abeyance (liquid) able-bodied just afore you admeasurement a dose. Admeasurement the aqueous with a appropriate dose-measuring beanery or anesthetic cup. If you do not accept a dose-measuring device, ask your pharmacist for one.
You may accessible the oseltamivir abridged and baptize the anesthetic into a candied aqueous (corn syrup, amber syrup, amber amoroso attenuated in water) to accomplish burning easier. Swallow the admixture appropriate abroad after chewing. Do not save for after use. Ask your doctor or pharmacist afore application this adjustment to adapt an oseltamivir dosage for a adolescent who is adolescent than 13 years old or weighs beneath than 88 pounds.
Oseltamivir may be taken with aliment or milk if it upsets your stomach.
To amusement flu symptoms: Yield every 12 hours for 5 days.
To anticipate flu symptoms: Yield oseltamivir every 24 hours for 10 canicule or as prescribed. Follow your doctor's instructions.

Use this medication for the absolute breadth of time assigned by your doctor. Your affection may get bigger afore the infection is absolutely treated. Tell your doctor if your affection do not improve, or if they get worse.

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