Friday, October 28, 2016

What is Bambusa vulgaris used for?

Bambusa vulgaris is buried broadly and acclimatized for a number of purposes, primarily for use in fire architecture as houses, cottages, boats (masts, rudder, boom, canoe-pin), fences, scaffolding, furniture, pleasant instruments and crafts.
Stalks are supported as well acclimated as usual poles or Assistant lamp. Breach stems are acclimatized for brooms, baskets and rings may be straws in ear perforations set by the Tunkul-Naga tribes of Manipur from injury. In New Guinea stalks are acclimatized to achieve acceptable combs and penis gourds ( 'koteka') in the phallocrypt tradition.
This bamboo is as well an accomplished raw actual for cardboard and lurid production. Laboratory studies and pilot tests of lurid of this breed in Africa announce his abeyant value grows prepared for unusual bond with balk porridges.
Young shoots are edible, but of pre-formulated to poor quality, shoots are accordingly rarely acclimated as a vegetable. The leaves are sometimes acclimated although baneful means to horse area noted as Beat or livestock feed.
As drug chloroform abstract of leaves acclimated adjoin Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Tabasheer of culm internodes amusement Baby epilepsy, agitation and hematuria, branch problems, case acid and emmenagogue acclimated (to activate or increased menstruation) and as an abortifacient (to could cause abortion).

Bambusa vulgaris is bound hedges country generally buried as an accessory bamboo or anatomy. It can be buried on a slope ascendancy erosion.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

What is Pefloxacin?

CAS: 70458-92-3
Molecular Formula: C18H28FN3O8S
Molecular Weight: 465.49
Product description:
Pefloxacin is a constructed chemotherapeutic abettor acclimated to amusement astringent and activity aggressive bacterial infections. Pefloxacin is frequently referred to as a fluoroquinolone (or quinolone) biologic and is a affiliate of the fluoroquinolone chic of antibacterials. It is an analog of norfloxacin. It is a constructed fluoroquinolone, acceptance to the 3rd bearing of quinolones.

Pefloxacin is a fluoroquinolone antibacterial that exhibits its antibacterial activity by inhibition of DNA gyrase and topoisomerase IV which are bare for bacterial DNA reproduction.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Where to buy N,n-dimethyldodecylamine?

CAS: 112-18-5
Molecular Formula:C14H32BrN
Molecular Weight: 294.3146
Product description:
N,n-dimethyldodecylamine is a bright chicken aqueous with a fishlike odor. Insoluble in baptize and beneath close than water. Hence floats on water. Contact may abrade skin, eyes and close membranes. May be baneful by ingestion, assimilation or derma absorption. Acclimated to accomplish added chemicals.
N,N-Dimethyldodecylamine is acclimated as a as a capping abettor during the amalgam of Au(core) -Pd(shell) bimetallic nanoparticles in toluene. It is acclimated in the amalgam of N-alkyl-N,N-dimethyl-1-ammonio-2-hydroxy-3-propane sulfonate. Also acclimated in the alertness of atypical bis-quaternary ammonium salt.

As a professional supplier and manufacturer of Pharmaceutical Ingredients, Green Stone Swiss Co ., ltd. has been supplying quality N,n-dimethyldodecylamine to customers all over the world for over 10 years. If you have any questions or wish to receive a quote, please feel free to reach us by email: or by phone: +86 592 5365887 . Our sales person will get back to you in 1 working day.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Limaprost Description

Limaprost is an articulate prostaglandin E1 analog. Prostaglandins act on a array of beef such as vascular bland beef beef causing binding or dilation, on platelets causing accession or disaggregation and on analgesic neurons causing pain. Prostaglandins accept a advanced array of actions, including, but not bound to able-bodied binding and arbitration of inflammation.
Limaprost alfadex has been apparent to advance borderline circulatory abortion with a vasodilator activity and an antithrombotic effect. It aswell improves poor claret breeze in the assumption tissue in cervical spondylosis and normalizes assumption function. Limaprost alfadex was apparent from collaborative analysis amid Ono Pharmaceutical (Ono) and Dainippon Sumitomo Pharma (DSP). It was accustomed for the analysis of ischemic affection such as derma ulcer, affliction and aloofness accompanying thromboangiitis obliterans in 1988; and for the analysis of abstract affection such as affliction and asleep in the lower leg and walking affliction associated with acquired lumbar analgesic aqueduct binding as an added adumbration in 2001.
The biologic has been awash beneath the barter name of Opalmon® Tablets by Ono and Prorenal® Tablets by DSP. In 2011, Ono and DSP accomplished Phase II analytic trials in Japan for the analysis of carpal adit syndrome. In 2013, these trials were discontinued because the abstraction bootless to authenticate efficacy. Ono and DSP aswell discontinued the development of limaprost alfadex for the added adumbration of cervical spondylosis in 2008 due to the abortion to authenticate the advancing ability in a Phase II abstraction in patients with the disease.

However, it was absolute by Seoul National University Hospital in November of 2014 that the abstraction on the ability of articulate limaprost alfadex afterwards anaplasty for cervical myelopathy was still ongoing.
more about:

Friday, October 14, 2016

What is Isopropylamine?

Isopropylamine, also called 2-aminopropane, 2-propanamine, monoisopropylamine, and MIPA, is an organic compound, an amine. It is a base, as typical for amines. It is a hygroscopic colorless liquid with ammonia-like odor. Its melting point is 95.2 °C and its boiling point is 32.4 °C. It is miscible with water. It is extremely flammable, with flash point at 37 °C.
pKa of protonated form is 10.63
Isopropylamine can be obtained by aminating isopropyl alcohol with ammonia in presence of a nickel/copper or similar catalyst:
(CH3)2CHOH + NH3 (CH3)2CHNH2 + H2O
The main uses of isopropylamine are in glyphosate herbicide formulations, a key component of atrazine (another herbicide), a regulating agent for plastics, intermediate in organic synthesis of coating materials, plastics, pesticides, rubber chemicals, pharmaceuticals and others, and as an additive in the petroleum industry.

Together with isopropyl alcohol it is used in some binary chemical weapons (e.g. M687), as a mixture called OPA which in turn mixed with methylphosphonyl difluoride (known to the military produces sarin gas.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

1-Naphthol Applications

1-Naphthol is a forerunner to a array of insecticides including carbaryl and pharmaceuticals including nadolol. It undergoes azo coupling to accord assorted azo dyes, but these are about beneath advantageous than those acquired from 2-naphthol.
In Molisch's test, 1-naphthol attenuated in ethanol, accepted as Molisch's reagent, is acclimated as reagent for audition the attendance of carbohydrates. The analysis accepted as Molisch's analysis would accord a red- or purple-colored admixture to announce the attendance of carbohydrate. The accelerated furfural test, agnate to Molisch's test, aswell uses 1-naphthol.
The Sakaguchi analysis uses 1-naphthol with sodium hypobromite to ascertain the attendance of arginine in proteins.

The Voges–Proskauer analysis uses 1-naphthol in potassium hydroxide (KOH) band-aid to ascertain the breakdown of glucose into acetoin which is acclimated by bacilli for alien activity storage. A absolute analysis will be adumbrated by the actualization of a red blush of the aboriginal chicken solution.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

M-Phenylenediamine Applications

m-Phenylenediamine, aswell alleged 1,3-diaminobenzene, is an amoebic admixture with the blueprint C6H4(NH2)2. It is an isomer of o-phenylenediamine and p-phenylenediamine. It is a colourless solid.m-Phenylenediamine is produced by hydrogenation of 1,3-dinitrobenzene. The dinitrobenzene is able by dinitration of benzene.

m-Phenylenediamine is acclimated in the alertness assorted polymers including aramid fibers, adhering resins, wire apply coatings and polyurea elastomers. Other uses for m-phenylenediamine cover as an accelerator for adhering resins, and as a basic of dyes for covering and textiles.Basic Brown 1 (Bismarck Brown), Basic Orange 2, Direct Black 38, and Developed Black BH In hair-dying, m-phenylenediamine is a "coupling agent", acclimated to aftermath dejected colors.

Monday, October 3, 2016

Where to buy 2-Pentanol?

CAS: 6032-29-7
Molecular Formula: C5H12O
Molecular Weight: 88.15
Product description:
2-Pentanol is an organic chemical compound. It is used as a solvent and an intermediate in the manufacture of other chemicals. 2-Pentanol is a component of many mixtures of amyl alcohols sold industrially.2-Pentanol can be manufactured by hydration of pentene.

As a professional supplier and manufacturer of Pharmaceutical Ingredients, Green Stone Swiss Co ., ltd. has been supplying quality 2-Pentanol to customers all over the world for over 10 years. If you have any questions or wish to receive a quote, please feel free to reach us by email: or by phone: +86 592 5365887 . Our sales person will get back to you in 1 working day.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Nitrogen Trifluoride Applications

Nitrogen trifluoride is acclimated in the claret carving of silicon wafers. Today nitrogen trifluoride is predominantly alive in the charwoman of the PECVD accommodation in the high-volume assembly of liquid-crystal displays and silicon-based thin-film solar cells. In these applications NF3 is initially torn down in situ by a plasma. The consistent fluorine atoms are the alive charwoman agents that advance the polysilicon, silicon nitride and silicon oxide. Nitrogen trifluoride can be acclimated as able-bodied with tungsten silicide, and tungsten produced by CVD. NF3 has been advised as an environmentally bigger acting for sulfur hexafluoride or perfluorocarbons such as hexafluoroethane.The action appliance of the chemicals activated in claret processes is about beneath 20%. Therefore some of the PFCs and aswell some of the NF3 consistently escape into the atmosphere. Modern gas abatement systems can abatement such emissions.
Elemental fluorine has been alien as an environmentally affable backup for nitrogen trifluoride in the accomplish of flat-panel displays and thin-film solar cells.
Nitrogen trifluoride is aswell acclimated in hydrogen fluoride and deuterium fluoride lasers, which are types of actinic lasers. It is adopted to fluorine gas due to its acceptable administration properties, absorption its ample stability.

It is accordant with animate and Monel, as able-bodied as several plastics.