Thursday, October 6, 2016

1-Naphthol Applications

1-Naphthol is a forerunner to a array of insecticides including carbaryl and pharmaceuticals including nadolol. It undergoes azo coupling to accord assorted azo dyes, but these are about beneath advantageous than those acquired from 2-naphthol.
In Molisch's test, 1-naphthol attenuated in ethanol, accepted as Molisch's reagent, is acclimated as reagent for audition the attendance of carbohydrates. The analysis accepted as Molisch's analysis would accord a red- or purple-colored admixture to announce the attendance of carbohydrate. The accelerated furfural test, agnate to Molisch's test, aswell uses 1-naphthol.
The Sakaguchi analysis uses 1-naphthol with sodium hypobromite to ascertain the attendance of arginine in proteins.

The Voges–Proskauer analysis uses 1-naphthol in potassium hydroxide (KOH) band-aid to ascertain the breakdown of glucose into acetoin which is acclimated by bacilli for alien activity storage. A absolute analysis will be adumbrated by the actualization of a red blush of the aboriginal chicken solution.

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