Saturday, July 2, 2016

What is Propantheline bromide?

CAS: 50-34-0
Molecular Formula: C23H31BrNO3
Molecular Weight: 449.40114
Propantheline boiler (INN) is an antimuscarinic abettor acclimated for the analysis of boundless afraid (hyperhidrosis), cramps or spasms of the stomach, belly (gut) or bladder, and automatic urination (enuresis). It can aswell be acclimated to ascendancy the affection of annoyed bowel affection and agnate conditions. This abettor can aswell be acclimated for patients who acquaintance acute GI affection while cone-shaped off of TCAs.

Propantheline boiler is a decree medication. It is about classified beneath a class of drugs accepted as anticholinergics. Such drugs, including propantheline bromide, about plan by allowance to relax close anatomy in the physique and abate the achievement of assorted actual secretions. There are several altitude that may be advised with this medication, including gastrointestinal, urinary and added beard disorders. As with a lot of drugs, there are some accessible ancillary furnishings and risks associated with the use of propantheline bromide.

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